Excellent emollient product for pups who could use support on their sensitive paw pads or noses in the wintertime. In particular, pups walking on salty sidewalks could use this special boost.
Combined with highland sheep lanolin and beeswax, this scent-free/essential oil-free product will soothe your pup’s delicate tissues without the use of synthetic petroleums or industrially processed plant oils.
120 ml in a lightweight recyclable black aluminum tin.
Black bear tallow, Highland sheep lanolin, local beeswax
Excellent emollient product for pups who could use support on their sensitive paw pads or noses in the wintertime. In particular, pups walking on salty sidewalks could use this special boost.
Combined with highland sheep lanolin and beeswax, this scent-free/essential oil-free product will soothe your pup’s delicate tissues without the use of synthetic petroleums or industrially processed plant oils.
120 ml in a lightweight recyclable black aluminum tin.
Black bear tallow, Highland sheep lanolin, local beeswax